Extraordinary gift #1: I love antique shows and flea markets. I've found some of my most prized possessions at local antique fairs. Last summer, I purchased a beautiful print in a vintage frame for $8. A little bruised and battered, but still in excellent condition, I proudly displayed my new picture in a strategic location I could easily view often. I knew this beautiful drawing had a significant meaning, but didn't know the artist or how to even begin researching it. One evening, I stood for a few moments in front of the painting, quietly asking to know the meaning. Afterwards (the SAME evening), I retired for a few moments of Pinterest fun. Among the many random pictures, a painting caught my eye. Something about this painting, something vague, reminded me of my drawing. I followed the pin...and to my amazement, it led me to the works of Sandro Botticelli, famous artist from the 1400s and to my drawing...
"The Allegory of Abundance"
"The drawing was first published as Botticelli by Robinson in his 1876 catalogue of John Malcolm's collection, and this attribution has generally been accepted. The drawing is usually dated to the early or mid 1480s as the stilted, yet graceful posture of Abundance and the exaggerated elongation of her form recall figures in Botticelli's mythological paintings of the period, the 'Primavera' and the 'Birth of Venus' (Florence, Uffizi). The learned classical allusions of these paintings also accord with the subject matter of the drawing which is derived from Book 9 of Ovid's Metamorphoses, where it is related that Hercules broke off one of the horns of the river god Achelous, who had transformed himself into a bull, and this was then sanctified and employed by the Goddess of Plenty to carry the fruits of Autumn's harvest. The drawing cannot be related directly to any painting by Botticelli, although it does bear some resemblance to a studio work representing an 'Allegory of Drunkenness' of circa 1485-90 in Chantilly". (www.britishmuseum.org).
I find it amazing, that out of the hundreds of drawings, paintings, etc. that I could have chosen at an antique fair, I gravitated to this one...a beautiful reminder to focus on ABUNDANCE instead of loss; to focus on BLESSINGS instead of heartaches; to focus on LOVE in the place of hate. Our Universe is full of mystical, whimsical, synchronistic surprises. You just have to be open to receiving them!
Come back again soon for extraordinary gift #2...blessings.

1 comment:
Hello sweet friend..coming by to check in on you! What a fabulous and inspiring post..so beautiful! I hope all is well and you are sparkling bright! I always enjoy your posts..your gorgeous creations..your talent and beautiful spirit you share!
Blessings of Autumn..take care friend!
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