“It was deep afternoon when shadows begin to grow, light becomes gold, and you realize that this particular day has reached its destiny.
Like old age, it’s not yet over, but there’s no denying the time of day.”
I love the soft, sweet light of a late Summer evening. It's the slow decline of the Sun's beautiful light. You can almost feel the tease of an early Autumn in the air, and the magic of a moment is captured in a memory and if you're lucky, a snapshot in time. This afternoon, I lingered in the honey light, played a bit with my camera and was SO surprised to find a small blackberry bush in my little neighborhood. I was immediately transported back to my youth. We'd pick berries and cherries and peaches for pies, which my grandmother would make from scratch. I took some time, ate a few sweet berries, and quietly whispered a prayer of gratitude for those precious memories and for this day, for my life and this magical sweet Summer light.