Monday, March 8, 2010

Life Measured Out in Coffee Spoons...


I had the day off work today, but had a million little things to do.  Groceries, post office, pet get my drift.  I also had to take a quick jaunt to the charming town of Geneva, IL to pick up some additional antique chandelier pendants for my next jewelry project.  There are several antique stores in Geneva, but my personal favorite is the Geneva Antique Market.  I exercised constraint, and only purchased what I needed, with the exception of one little special find (more to come on that treasure).  Directly across the street from the Market is the wonderful Odalisque, a quaint little beauty apothecary which carries an assortment of trendy cosmetics,  skincare and some unique fragrances that you won't find in your local department store.  I think I've mentioned that I am a fragrance fanatic.  I love scents of all sorts - perfumes, candles, lotions, potions, incense and anything else that makes you and your home smell yummy.  So you can imagine my delight when, after sniffing several of the newest offerings, I discovered my new favorite, "Field Notes from Paris", from Ineke Perfumer San Francisco.  A woody oriental with notes of coriander seed, orange flowers, tobacco flower and leaf, patchouli, tonka bean and leather.  I love woody scents the most because they are comforting to me, like a leather filled library. Ineke aimed to capture "the romantic, nostalgic feeling of sitting at a café and writing in a journal while lingering for hours over a cafe crème".  So, I couldn't resist, and there's a lesson in this.  I felt a little guilty at first, but then I remembered that life is short.   Although we shouldn't give into our every whim and purchase everything we desire, it's okay to occasionally get that special little something that makes us feel happy and satisfied.  I really smell good right now :-)


  1. I have been floundering in finding a scent again. You see, after my fourth my 'smeller' changed. Strange, I know. But, I used to wear a clean smell like a Happy or the like or I would wear essential oils like lavender or patchouli. Now the only thing I like is patchouli, but I would like to mix it with something or find a great scent. If you are an amateur afficianado, would you give me a recommendation??;) I would like something not too sweet, earthy, soft, maybe a touch of rose or something romantic. I don't know. If you don't have any ideas, that is way o.k. I just ask lately when a scent is close and it is nice. Take care dear and enjoy your creating! Blessings and light, Amy

  2. Super lovely post..I found myself drifting away with my imagination! Beautiful Beautiful!!!
    Have a magical day..and thanks for sparking mine with some!
