Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Faery Lights

I had a dream; a lovely dream filled with the most magical and colorful light.  The kind of light that filters through the trees on a sunny afternoon or reflects across glassy waters during a magnificent sunset.  Light that shines through colored glass and dances mysteriously across the room.  Faery lights, purple, green and gold lights.  I wanted to stay in this dream forever, wrapped in this safe and warm color, but alas, morning arrives and I am greeted by the sun with her beautiful, bright rays.  I'm awake now, but the colorful light from my dream still envelops me.  I brought something back with me from this dream...
I hope you enjoy~Sheila

Available soon at Artistic Adornments


  1. Hi Sheila..what a fabulous enchanting dreamtime you had! Beautiful! And these pendants are gorgeous! Wow!! Always a joy to visit here..and a feeling of magic! you are a special soul!

  2. This is complete perfection!!! I love all the aspects of it!!! I send love and joy to you. Keep up all the beauty. It is a joy to see. You have a unique and happy gift in detail selections! Blessings friend.
