Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Full Moon Magic

Thursday, May 27th 
A new opportunity for cleansing and clearing your life will present itself...
a beautiful full moon, in all her glorious spender, 
will once again shine in the night sky.  

Do you have things in your life that are prohibiting your spiritual and creative growth?  Are there troublesome elements that you would like to clear from your being? Do you desire to release negativity and purge your spiritual life?  If so, a full moon is the perfect time to symbolically "let go" of all that troubles you and move forward in a positive new direction.  I've always enjoyed the magic and beauty of rituals and the energy that surrounds them.  Churches always have beautiful rituals, various cultures have rituals they have practiced for centuries and each of us have our own little personal and sometimes private ritualistic ceremonies.  For me, the full moon provides the perfect opportunity to channel my energy into hope, light, peace, forgiveness and love.  You can enjoy your little release ceremony with others, or entirely alone.  There are several options, and only you can decide which ritual works best for you.  You may choose to write down what you wish to release, then cast it into flames.  Water is also a powerful spiritual element that symbolizes cleansing and elimination of negativity.   

Whatever full moon ritual you decide to pursue, keep your heart OPEN to good, and ALLOW the light, beauty and abundance to penetrate your life.  
FOCUS on creativity, positivity and love...
always remember LOVE.


  1. Hi Sheila..beautiful photos..and wonderful post on the mooon's power!

  2. I find that the full moon is a feeling of a blank canvas. It is a time of letting go of any misunderstandings, of the ego, and embracing the fullness of our potential. I am grateful for this beautiful post friend. Thanks. Blessings, Amy

  3. Smiles from Todd. dont know how many times this will post... oh well

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